You are browsing our fundraising site. Learn more about Cambodian Children's Fund on our website here.


DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT - All donations towards this fundraiser are being matched dollar-for-dollar by The Jackson Kemper Foundation. A big thank you to Sharon and Joe Kemper for their generosity.

Please note that AUD, GBP and USD donations will be processed via our registered charities in Australia, United Kingdom and the United States respectively for tax purposes. Donations in Hong Kong Dollars and all other currencies will be processed by Cambodian Children's Fund Hong Kong. For more information please click here.

Why I'm Doing It 為什麼我要這樣籌款


A little about Cambodian Children's Fund

Education is often taken for granted, but for many Cambodian children experiencing extreme poverty, a variety of obstacles including inaccessibility and the need to work to survive prevent them from being able to attend school. 

Cambodian Children’s Fund (CCF) works to transform the lives of the most impoverished, marginalized, and neglected children in Cambodia through high-quality education, leadership training, and direct support programs. 

No donation is too small, and every dollar donated goes directly towards providing a brighter future for the most impoverished Cambodian children and their families.

To find out more about Cambodian Children’s Fund and the difference your donation makes, please visit



柬埔寨兒童基金會 (CCF) 致力於通過高質的教育、領導培訓和直接支持的計劃來改變柬埔寨最貧困、邊緣化和被忽視的兒童的生活。



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DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT - All donations towards this fundraiser are being matched dollar-for-dollar by The Jackson Kemper Foundation. A big thank you to Sharon and Joe Kemper for their generosity.

Please note that AUD, GBP and USD donations will be processed via our registered charities in Australia, United Kingdom and the United States respectively for tax purposes. Donations in Hong Kong Dollars and all other currencies will be processed by Cambodian Children's Fund Hong Kong. For more information please click here.

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