You are browsing our fundraising site. Learn more about Cambodian Children's Fund on our website here.
Whether you plan on donating your birthday, holding a bake sale, or running a marathon, we can't wait to see the creative ways you fundraise.
Fundraising is fun and easy. You can pick one of the ideas below, or create your own. We'll support you along the way with resources and a fundraising coach. 籌款既有趣又容易。 您可以選擇以下構思之一,或創建自己的想法。 我們將一路為您提供資源和籌款所需的支持。
Supporter Nick Coats set himself a grueling challenge to raise funds for CCF- completing 2 laps of Singapore by bike and on foot. 為 CCF 籌集善款,Nick Coats 設定了一項艱鉅的挑戰,即以踏單車及步行圍繞新加坡兩圈。
3 young fundraisers in Hong Kong put their baking skills to good use by making cookies to sell and donating proceeds to CCF. 三位年輕的香港籌款人善用他們的烘焙技巧,製作曲奇餅作義賣,將收益全部捐贈給CCF。
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Please note this information is not intended for use by organisations or commercial CSR programs. If you are interested in developing a partnership, please contact us. 此資訊不適用於任何組織或商業的企業社會責任計劃。 如有興趣發展合作夥伴關係,請與我們聯繫。